Wood from Lang Smith's Ancient Plum tree.
1.5" x 3.5"
Finished with Walnut oil.
Gave this to Roger and Marny as a thank-you.
Wood from Lang Smith's Ancient Plum tree.
1.5" x 3.5"
Finished with Walnut oil.
Gave this to Roger and Marny as a thank-you.
The burl was a gift from Preston Hensley.
Finished with walnut oil, followed with a coating of besswax/sunflower oil (which was a gift from Holly Spaulding)
(dia 9 1/2" x 4" height)
From a cedar log that was a gift from John and Carlisle Rex-Waller from their cedar tree felled in 2016.
(10" x 3 1/2")
Fnshed with walnut oil and shellac.
These two little bowls were turned from a single smaller diameter log cut from the thin end of the driftwood log–past the end of that small branch shown here:
The piece cut off:
(FYI: The axis of the little log was perpendicular to the axis of roatation)
After turning into a near sphere, tenons were cut into each side and then the "sphere" was cut in half: It is shown here after cutting it in half with a parting tool.
Each little bowl was turned to remove the material from the inside of the bowl and then each half was reverse mounted in the cole chuck:
This dirftwood tree had washed up on our shore:
Species was unknown, but is probably maple.
Several chucks were cut out and bowls were turned.
The first bowl was from a larger dimaeter piece:
cut in half
Trimmed on the bandsaw
After turn it true (round) and turning a spigot on the bottom.
After turning it round I thought I had run into a nail but it turned out to be a piece of bird shot (lead and not steel)
I poked it out with an awl expecting it to be a nail but it popped right out:
Finished with tung oil, shellac and alcohol
I still have to reverse and turn off the tenon.
The knot was filled and stabilized with epoxy mixed with fillet.
Final result: finished with Tung oil + shellac + alcohol
Nice chatoyancy
The log blank was given to me by my sister and brother-in-law in 2012 from a walnut tree that had been lying in their woods for a few years. The sap wood had completely rotted but the core of the log was in good shape.
Cut in half:
Trimmed and then turned rough:
This bowl was turned rough in June 2012 and allowed to dry slowly, being weighed every few months.
Finally got back to it in the fall of 2017; the rough turned blank was turned to its final dimensions (14" x 6"); and then in January, 2018 I finished it up.
After turning the inside and shaping most of the outside, I had to devise a jam chuck to turn the tenon off the bottom. (My Cole chuck was too small for this bowl.) I had a 20" diameter piece of 3/4" MDF board that was glued together with a couple of pine blocks. I drilled a hole in the smaller one and inserted a wormwood screw – like so:
I super-glued a piece of 1/4" rubber mat that I had lying around onto the front of the MDF to make a non-skid surface. After finding the center point of the bowl (I had sanded off the little divot earlier to fit the tenon into the scroll chuck) I pulled up the tail stock and centered the bowl on the jam chuck.
I turned off the tenon down to a small nub that I subsquently popped off with a chisel. Then I sanded the bottom and applied walnut oil:
The bowl was sanded through the grits from P60 to P1000 and Mahoney's Utilty Walnut oil appled in several coats.
Final bowl, bottom views
180o view
Top view
From log from Lang Smith's ancient plum tree:
A bark inclusion filled with epoxy.
Finished with High Build Friction polish.
Walnut Platter from a piece of walnut (~50 years old) from Peter Smith's father
Finished with walnut oil (Mahoney's Utility Finish) (13" x 1")
A Christmas gift to Peter 2016.
Pear bowl from a branch from Lang Smith's plum tree.
Finished with Mylands Sanding sealer, Mohoney's Walnut Oil utility finish and topped with serveral coats of Mylands High Build friction Polish.
Turned from a birch log.
– for Sue Hatch for a wedding present.
Finished with sanding sealer and walnut oil.
(9" x 4")
From a walnut plank (at least 50 years old) given to me by Peter Smith.
From two pieces glued together; finished with walnut oil.
dia 14" depth 2.5"
The locust log from which this bowl was turned was a gift from John Higginson who bucked and split the log after the September 11 2013 storm that took down several thousand (yes, thousand) trees on Islesboro.
John gave me two half logs
Trimmed with the electric chain saw, with face plate already attached for mounting
Mounted and ready to start turning round.
And after a lot more turning, mostly round with this "feature" in the side. I think I'll incorporate it into the final bowl.
After turning a proper tenon on the bottom and reverse mounting and turning the inside. 15" in daiameter.
Outside after thinning the walls.
Inside after thinning the walls. The "feature" in the wall will be filled with … something.
The bowl was turned in the fall of 2013 and the holes filled in the summer of 2015.
The large opening on the outside of the bowl was filled with a mixture of cherry sawdust and epoxy after a piece of cardbaord was inserted to provide a bottom for the hole.
Then the inside portion of the hole was filled with tourquoise mixed with epoxy (InLace)
The final turning to clean up the tenon and foot was completed in May of 2016. And the bowl finished with walnut oil.
Final dia = 14" and height=9.5"
The burl was a gift from Preston.
Burl trimmed round on the bandsaw
After some turning:
There was a large bark inclusion which has been incorporated into the bowl
Final bowl with inclusion:
Finished with walnut oil
I had turned this little bowl (4" dia) a couple of years ago. While turning the foot broke off, and so I sawed it in two to have a look at the cross section. I threw one half in the burn pile and the other half I put on a shelf to remind me.
This year I re-united the two halves after cutting 1/8" from each half and inserting a 1/4" strip of walnut, and gluing the three pieces together. Moutned it in a jam chuck and turned a new spigot on the bottom; trued up the outside; then mounted it by the spigot and turned the inside true. After sanding through the grits, I appled walnut oil.
bottom view
Started with a blank cut round on the bandsaw, a flat spot made under the bark with a forstner bit.
And mounted between centers using a steb center on the head stock side.
Turned a tenon on the bottom and
shaped and cleaned up the outside.
Razor handle made from a piece of mahogany trim from John Van Daam's boat Finito.
Top view razor and the rest of the trim piece left over from Finito.
Finished with high build friction polish.
In the end, the high build friction polish didn't hold up in the bathroom environment. John returned it to me, and I refinished it with CA glue to give it a shiney, waterproof, and more durable finish.
This little bowl was rough turned about a year ago and coated heavily with Anchorseal to slow the drying preocess. It had warped considerably: the rim had to be sanded to flatten it so it could be mounted in the cole chuck to turn the tenon true so it could be mounted in the scroll chuck.
Top view before sanding
Side views showing the warp that had to be sanded out flat on the belt sander before it could be mounted.
Mounted on the Cole chuck to be turned true and then
reverse mounted in the scroll chcuk to turn the inside.
And reverse mounted again in the Cole chuck to clean up the bottom.
After sanding and finishing with walnut oil.
Bottom view:
Top view:
(1 3/4" x 5 1/2")