The Driftwood Tree

November 20, 2011

After “success” with the candlesticks, I went down to the shore at low tide to cut up the rest of the driftwood tree.

Nice day for it.

The driftwood tree

The cut-off end showing where I had gotten the log from which I made the candlesticks. That was cut with a buck saw last August – BCS (before chain saw)

Job partially done.


All ready to haul home

 Piled up and ready to haul back to the stairs and then up 40 steps to the top of the bank.

Piled in the basement not too far from the lathe.

Don’t know what kind of wood it is. Might be locust based on the color, texture and grain of the candle sticks. (The shape could use a little more work … next time.)

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