August 31, 2011
When I got the 3/8″ Sorby fingernail bowl gouge, I tried it out on this piece first. Big difference.
Started from a half log from the firewood pile on the front porch
Mounted between centers etc etc … catches and gouges and …
… hiatus …
After I got the fingernail bowl gouge, I finished it up.
To finish the bottom, I used a jam chuck. The jam chuck was turned out of a small maple log by turning it round, cutting a tenon in one end and rounding over the other end. The tenon end is mounted in the 4 jaw chuck and the other end receives the inside of the bowl. I used a square patch of green ScotchBrite to provide friction between the jam chuck and the piece to be turned.
This bowl was hand sanded after dismounting it … not the way to do it.
Should have sanded while it was on the lathe and in the 4 jaw chuck.
Minutes vs. hours.
Finished with boiled linseed oil and beeswax (too smelly and not food safe)
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