I would like to acknowledge the sources of information that have made my woodturning both possible and a never-ending source of a pleasure: First, I thank Preston Hensley for getting me interested in turning and for lighting my fire, and providing inspiration … and suggesting the Powermatic Lathe, and Fred Montney, who gave me important advice in the beginning www.montney.com
Most of what I have learned so far has been from YouTube videos by numerous people, most notably
Donna Zils Banfield Donna Zils Banfield : http://www.livealifelessordinary.com/
Bob Hamilton bobham5
Eddie Castelin Cap'n Eddie
Rex Burningham Rex Burningham
Carl Jacobson As Wood Turns
Cindy Drozda Cindy Drozda videos
Allen Tyler Allen Tyler Videos
Mike Peace Mike Peace Woodturning
…among many others.
With inspiration from: